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Eaton SL7 Multistrobe Light Modules

Eaton SL7 Multistrobe Light Modules are another variation of flashing light modules designed for the SL7 series signal towers, offering more complex signalling capabilities compared to regular strobe modules. 

  • LED Light Source: As with other SL7 modules, they utilise reliable and energy-efficient LEDs.
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Eaton SL7 Multistrobe Light Modules are another variation of flashing light modules designed for the SL7 series signal towers, offering more complex signalling capabilities compared to regular strobe modules. 

  • LED Light Source: As with other SL7 modules, they utilise reliable and energy-efficient LEDs.
  • Colour Options: Similar to strobe modules, they are typically available in high-visibility yellow for warning signals. However, some models might offer additional colour options depending on the specific application.
  • Voltage Compatibility: Compatible with either 120/240V AC or 24V DC power sources for flexibility in power supply setups.
  • Pre-programmed Flash Patterns: This is the key differentiator. Multistrobe modules come with built-in sequences featuring multiple flashes at varying intervals, creating distinct visual signals. The exact pattern can vary depending on the model, but it can include double flashes, triple flashes, or even more complex sequences. Some models might offer limited adjustability for the flash pattern.
  • High Intensity: Maintains the bright 360-degree illumination for clear visibility from various angles, ensuring the signal cuts through moderately lit environments.
  • Durable Construction: The polycarbonate housing ensures resistance to impact, chemicals, and harsh industrial environments.
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: Functions reliably between -30°C to 60°C.
  • Ingress Protection: Carries an IP66 rating for protection against dust, dirt, and water jets from any direction. 


  • Multi-stage Alarms: The various flash patterns can be used to communicate different stages of an alarm condition, providing a more informative signal than a simple strobe. For instance, a double flash might indicate a warning, while a fast repeating multi-strobe pattern could signify a critical emergency.
  • Process Status Indication: In complex industrial processes, multistrobe patterns can represent different stages of operation or potential issues. This allows for better monitoring and quicker response times.
  • Sequencing and Troubleshooting: The distinct flash sequences can be used to guide operators through specific procedures or indicate troubleshooting steps. For example, a specific multi-strobe pattern might signal the need to check a certain sensor or perform a particular maintenance task.

Important Considerations:

  • Understanding the Flash Patterns: The effectiveness of multi-strobe modules relies on everyone in the environment understanding the specific meaning assigned to each flash pattern. Clear documentation and user training are crucial to avoid confusion.
  • Customisation vs. Pre-programmed: While some models might offer limited adjustability for the flash pattern, they generally don't provide the same level of customisation as regular flashing modules with a wider range of selectable patterns.
  • Choosing the Right Pattern: Selecting the most appropriate multistrobe pattern for the specific situation is important. Consider factors like urgency, level of warning, and need for additional information when assigning meanings to the different flash sequences. 

The Eaton SL7 Multistrobe Light Modules offer a versatile solution for industrial signalling applications requiring more than a simple on/off or single flash notification. Their pre-programmed flash sequences provide a way to encode and communicate more complex information through a visual channel. However, ensuring a clear understanding of the assigned meanings is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of these modules.

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